I've been very happy with Hurricane Electric


>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh silver.he.net
>> Last login: Tue Oct 10 15:27:37 2000 from sense-sea-megasu
>> Hurricane Electric
>> No mail.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
>> Linux silver.he.net 2.2.16 #1 SMP Mon Jun 19 04:39:21 PDT 2000 i686

On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 14:23, sc wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking for a U.S. Linux-based hosting service for personal use.  
> Nothing fancy, but just a place where I could set up a personal web site 
> / e-mail, remotely (and securely) log-in, etc.  Would be cool if I could 
> fool around with a mySQL and PHP set-up over there too.
> Admittedly, this isn't a Debian-specific request, but if the place used 
> Debian, that'd be a plus.  Any suggestions?

geek by nature, Linux by choice                     L I N U X       .~.
                                                    The Choice      /V\
http://www.ourmanpann.com/linux/                     of a GNU      /( )\
                                                    Generation     ^^-^^

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