Up till now I've shyed away from implmenting mail on my Linux boxes,
it seems so complicated and my nice friendly (!) Windows POP3 clients
seem generally far easier to use.  However, I've now gone back to an ISP 
(Demon) which tries to deliver
mail using SMTP, the only ISP I've ever had where this is an option.
It therefore seems time for me to get to grips with this-here Linux
mail stuff.

I still need to retain POP3 client access to other mailboxes, so at
present I'm thinking that from the vast array of MTAs, MUAs (etc.
etc.) these seem to fit the bill for me:

1) QMAIL - 'cos it's also a POP server, meaning I can revert to my
Windows clients if I fail to find a Linux one I likt.

2) FETCHMAIL - to get my mail from other ISPs.

As far as I can see QMAIL will receive my Demon mail via SMTP and
FETCHMAIL can go off to my other ISPs and get the mail there and wack
it into QMAIL, so I have all my mail ready for reading via POP.

Will this work like I think it will?  Will QMAIL act as an SMTP server
to deliver mail I send out, meaning I won't have to use an ISP's SMTP

Sorry if this are naive questions, but even after reading a _lot_ of
HOWTOs, READMEs etc. I find the whole area of Linux mail systems
pretty much impenetrable :)

Robin Collins

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