
I have added 3 Debian boxes to my network and they all seem OK, till I
noticed that  when changing some of the cat5 cables around,  that the 3
debian boxes eth0 does not start passing data again when cat 5 is replaced,
the cables were only removed for a minute or less.    I did not notice
straight off as when I replace the cable all looks fine as the hub lights
up, but a few minutes later bigbrother is telling me that all three debian
boxes are down.  I did an "ifconfig eth0 up" and still no good, but an
"ifcongif down" and then "up"  brings them back online again.  There were
no errors recorded in log files.

This only happens to the debian boxes as the redhat and the SuSe linux
servers are not bothered by having the network cables missing for a minute
or two.  Any advice on what might be causing this would be appreciated.


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