>I'm currently waiting for my new box, which will have an Asus A7V
>motherboard, Duron CPU, Maxtor DiamondMax HD, and Matrox videocard.
>On my current system, I installed potato, after which I upgraded to
>Woody. As I've found some unofficial debian Woody CD images, I'd rather go
>that way, but if I remember the installation procedure correctly (I only
>did it once, about 6 months ago, and that was my first experience
>with Linux...), I'll be needing some boot floppies and such.
>Could some kind soul point me to some info on installing Woody, so my
>installation won't turn out in a disaster?
>Thanks in advance,

Since this is a new system, I'm about 99% sure that the motherboard allows you
to boot from the CD. So, set your BIOS to boot from the CD, insert the first CD
and start installing. No floppies needed, unless you want a rescue diskette
(which I'd advise).

I don't think it really matters if you use the woody or potato images as Woody
has seem some BIG changes lately (XF4, glibc). I'd simply start off with a
minimum install, switch my sources.list file to point to unstable and then
install the rest of the packages. Any way you go about it, you'll probably
upgrade a lot of stuff to get the current Woody.


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