>I have compiled pnp, sound, awe32 and 100% SB Compatible
>support into my kernel (monolithic, no modules).  Sound
>works, sort of.  chmod 666 /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer

Bad idea for security reasons. Simply add yourself to the "audio" group via
"adduser <user> <group>". Then logout and back in and you have access to that

>However when playing something like Enya with XMMS using
>ESD it sounds like a helicopter is in the background. Don't
>know why and can't seem to find help with this anywhere.

I had something similar happen that might be the cause. Check for other wires or
devices touching something connected to your soundcard. IIRC, a cable from my CD
player to the soundcard was touching some part of the hard drive. As soon as I
moved it, there were no more unwanted sounds!

>Anything would be appreciated at this point.

Maybe that'll help:)


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