OK, I threw LILO in there to avoid being *completely* off topic, but it is

I had Windows refuse to load for an unexplainable reason the other day, and
even my floppy drive INSISTS that the HD be set to LBA before anything
works.  The problem is that I've been running CHS for over a year now on my
Maxtor 17 GB drive, through an upgrade to Potato, etc.  Linux works with no

So my problem is...

How can I switch to LBA?  Do I have to delete all partitions before I can
switch the drive over?  If so, I'd have a hard time saving my data and my
potato install, since it's become so big and customized.  I'm right now
backing up on to QIC-80 tapes, but they're awfully small and I'm only on my
8th tape in about 4 hours, and this is only my root and usr partitions!

Any suggestions at all?  Is it possible to switch the drive, delete and
recreate one partition at a time?  This is where LILO comes in, since it won't
boot (LI...) if I do so.  Is this just asking for trouble?

I'd hate to even have to reinstall potato, since I'd have to download an
awful lot over a 56k line..

Feel free to respond off-list, if you feel this is too far off-topic; this
is just a good place to find gurus!  (Grues?  Ahh!  Turn on the light!)

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
== It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See http://language.perl.com/misc/virus.html ==

I'D LIKE TO BE BURIED INDIAN-STYLE, where they put you up on a high rack,
above the ground.  That way, you could get hit by meteorites and not even
feel it.
                -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.

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