Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 09:54:40PM -0500, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> > How would that _not_ drop whatever features my current (non-mutt) MUA
> > has?
> Mutt, and it's KDE frontend kmail, are *far* more featureful and far
> faster than Netscape is.  Trust us on this and give it a try before
> you knock it.

I don't think you heard the same thing I said.

I'm NOT arguing that Netscape is better that your suggested MUAs.

I'm simply saying that switching from one mailer to another, in addition
to adding whatever features the new one has that the old one doesn't
have, also drops whatever features the old one had that the new one
doesn't also have. 

That was in answer your someone's (your?) question about why I was
mentioning dropping features. 

That's almost a tautology, so I didn't expect much argument there.
True, sometimes the dropped features set is a small set, but it's not
usually an empty set. 

At a higher level, people can't just switch mailers to get new 
features; newer mailers don't always cover old-mailer features people
use (even if the new mailer is better overall).

And when they can switch, there may be more pressing needs (such as
figuring out which kernel version minimizes the risk of IDE disk

> Netscape is not a full replacement for any other mailer.  

I never said it was.

I said (in other words) that for most values of X and Y in the set of
MUAs, X is not a _full_ replacement for Y.

Anyway, I'll try to avoid contributing too much more to this runaway

Daniel Barclay

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