>After setting up  lilo on my MBR to allow me to dual-boot Debian and my
>game-OS, everything worked well.  I had to use the lba32 option in lilo.conf
>to get this to work, so initially I was booting lilo from a floppy.
>Well everything is fine for a while, then one day, I reboot and get:
>And the computer just locks.  I'm 99.9% sure that I didn't re-run lilo, so
>this must be some problem either with hardware, or some virus, or a bug in
>lilo.  Anybody got a good starting point for investigation?  I can still use
>the boot-disk for now, but we all know how reliable diskettes are... <insert
>ominous music>

I would assume it's not a virus since the "LI-" is common when your MBR is
messed up. Did you install a new kernel recently?

Anyway, you should be able to run "/sbin/lilo" to reinstall LILO to the MBR.
That should solve the problem.


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