To answer one of your questions....

Once a stable version is released, it only gets updated (primarily) with
security fixes. In other words, you won't see XFree 4.X, etc. in potato. 

So potato will never become woody, but rather woody will become "frozen"
for testing, and then "stable" when it's released. As soon as woody goes
frozen, a new unstable branch is started to pick up where woody left


Rodolfo Canet-Castello wrote:
> Hi all
> After long doubts and four years using Linux, I'm finally decided to
> use Debian as my distro and not change anymore. Would you
> kindly clear some things to me?
> I'm thinking of installing potato, since am really fed up of half-boiled
> distros (RH7, for instance), but I´d like to have some packages in
> more bleeding-edge versions. Any problem about that? Should I
> install woody instead if I intend to use non-stable packages?
> -After reading Debian docs, I don't get how updating works. Should
> I expect stable packages of gnome 1.2, XFree 4, etc.for potato or
> they're reserved for when woody becomes stable? In different
> words: through updating, does potato become woody, or potato
> doesn't change and it's woody what will change until stability?
> -How stable is unstable? I'm not running a server, should I go to
> woody directly?
> I know these are questions are very newby-like, but you don't know
> how different Debian sounds for a Red Hat/Mandrake guy. Thanks
> for all.
> *********************************************************
> Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
> Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
> Dpto. Recursos Naturales
> Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
> Phone: 34-96-1391000      Fax: 34-96-1390240
> Web page:
> *********************************************************
> Web page of Spanish Group of Soil Enzymology:
> *********************************************************

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