I´m desperate to install debian eventhough it doesn´t seem to work with me.
I had Suse installed a year ago, but I don´t want to put up with there funny
rc.config-thingy any more.

It seems that my onboard HPT370 controller should be supported on the udma66
I just got unlucky and so it doesn´t work. I already received a few replies
by some other KT7 owners indicating that I´m not alone.

I can boot into the setup assistant just fine from the regular 2.2r2 CD, but
then I have no harddisk.
There´s an option in the setup menu that lets you load modules from floppy,
and I tried loading something from the UDMA66 driver1-4 disks, but then I
only got an error telling me that the system is unable to mount the floppy
(???). Also I´m not so sure if there´s  a useful driver on those disks

When I boot from the udma66 floppies it just stops half way (see description
below) .

I really don´t know what more to do. Maybe I could boot from the CD by
supplying a bunch of boot parameters, describing my disk. So if you have a
clue what I (and many others) could do I would really appreciate if you send
me a reply.
Under Windows the HPT370 controller(ide2 & ide3 ( counting from 0)) seems to
run as a scsi device.
If you need any information youst ask me.

Thanks a lot.

> Alexander writes:
> >
> > Sorry no solution from me. I'm faced with a near identical problem using
the HPT 370 on-board controller with a 2theMax BX7 +100 motherboard
(actually with five of them). So I'll be interested to see the solution
if/when you get one.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Jon Branch
> >
> > ------Original Message------
> > From: "Alexander Sawallich" <
> > To: debian-user <
debian-user@lists.debian.org>, debian-boot
> > Sent: December 12, 2000 8:46:46 PM GMT
> > Subject: UDMA66 boot problem/HPT370
> >
> > When I try installing Debian 2.2r2 on my HPT370 Raid/UDMA100 controller,
with the UDMA66 boot floppies, the system halts during the boot process.
Why? Thnanks for any help. I´m sorry this description got so long, but if
someone really wants to help he might need some of the info below.
> >
> > I´m booting debian from the UDMA66 rescue disk. The disk works fine at
my friends computer (Promise UDMA 66 onboard) and I tried several ones with
the same result.
> >
> > When I boot from the Debian 2.2r2 CD I can successfully load the kernel
and get into the install menu, but I have no harddisk detected. I tried
loading modules from the UDMA66 driver1-4 disks but then I receive an error
message saying : "Unable to mount disk".
> >
> > I also tried booting the UDMA flavor from DOS (loadlin) but then I
receive the exact same result as shown below.
> >
> > If someone knows some really good boot parameters (and exact use) that
will get my HPT370 controller to work with the standard flavor, that might
also help.
> >
> > Those are the last boot messages I received. The earlier ones seemed
> >
> > ....
> >
> > RAM disk driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 16384K size
> >
> > loop: registered device at major 7
> >
> > Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.30
> >
> > ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
> >
> > VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
> >
> > VP_IDE: chipset revision 16
> >
> > VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> >
> > VP_IDE: VIA vt82c686a IDE UDMA66 controller on pci0:7.1
> >
> > ide0: BM-DMA at 0xc000-0xc007, BIOS settings: hda: DMA, hdb: DMA
> >
> > HPT370: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 98
> >
> > HPT370: chipset revision 3
> >
> > HPT370: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> >
> > ide2: BM-DMA at 0xe400-0xe407, BIOS settings: hde: DMA, hdf: pio
> >
> > ide3: BM-DMA at 0xe408-0xe40f, BIOS settings: hdg: pio, hdh: pio
> >
> >
> > hdb: R/RW 4x4x24, ATAPI CDROM DRIVE
> >
> > ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
> >
> > >>This is were the system stops working. Nothing happens from here on.
> >
> > At a friends computer the last line was followed by some lines referring
to his harddrive : Maxtor ... 512K cache ...
> >
> > I already tried adding idebus=33 as a boot parameter, but the system
just stopped one line earlier.
> >
> > I´m not running a raid array. I just connected my one and only harddrive
to the HPT370 controller to take advantage of the UDMA100 burst speed.
> >
> > I had the second ide channel (ide1) disabled in the BIOS in case someone
> >
> > Here´s a summary of my system
> >
> > Athlon TB 900
> >
> > Abit KT7-Raid Motherboard
> >
> > IBM DTLA 307030 30GB UDMA100 harddrive connected
> >
> > to HPT370 onboard Raid controller (ide2 master)
> >
> > 128MB PC133 SDRAM
> >
> > Soundblaster PCI 128
> >
> > Geforce II MX 32MB AGP video card
> >
> > SMC 1211TX EZ-Card - PCI network card
> >
> > USB Mouse
> >
> > Thanks a lot. If you are reading this line, I know that you tried.
> >
> > Alexander
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------
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