> Davi and others:
> I'm interested in the 250 MB ZIP USB that I acquired and use under
> Windows, but want to access it under Linux. I know about
> adding USB support to the kernel, but else must I do?
> Would someone point me to the right place to find how make this
> device work with Potato. RTFM is ok, if the right manual and
> where to find the manual are given.

Nothing really :).  Just load the apropriate modules.  Then mount it 
with something like

mount /dev/sda4 -t vfat  /zip

This is just an example and I don't have any other scsi disks.  You 
have to select the forth partition (due to mac compatibility in the 
disks).  If you formatted them ext2 it would obviously be different.  
Then just add whatever you want to /etc/fstab to simplify matters.  I 
guess the grand total for the modules I would need would be... uhci, 
usbcore, usb-storage, fat, vfat.  But then it all depends on how you 
compiled everything.



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