used the X configuration script to set up my ps/2 mouse as type 4
during install, and when X is running it stays at the bottom of the 
screen and only moves from side to side. It works ok in character mode.

previous installation of corel worked straight away, no problem.

The only difference is I'm now using a PC99 motherboard, you know with
ps/2 mouse, ps/2 keyboard and usb sockets. In fact, corel still ran the same

after I changed the m/board.

any help gratefully rec'd as I've been running on corel for a long time
and finally found the guts to take on the scary debian install process - 
don't want one little glitch to send me back...

pls copy response 2 me as I can't cope with the list traffic  

Dominic Blythe                                          
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