Allow me to self-reply.  Thanks to Stormpkg, I was able to find some
suspicious uninstalled required packages, console-tools, etc.  Once I
selected those, it was fine.  Strange.

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 09:08:22PM -0500, Jonathan Markevich wrote:
> What could cause the keyboard to misbehave in woody?  I just upgraded a few
> minutes ago, and it occasionally seems to add some control character at
> random.  Sometimes this means it skips letters, others it throws the cursor
> somewhere else (next line, bottom of the screen, etc)
> This mail took a lot of backspacing to type!!!
> P.S. this happens in and out of X.

Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
== It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See ==

Karlson's Theorem of Snack Food Packages:
        For all P, where P is a package of snack food, P is a SINGLE-SERVING
        package of snack food.

Gibson the Cat's Corrolary:
        For all L, where L is a package of lunch meat, L is Gibson's package
        of lunch meat.

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