I got it to work, but here's some pointers for the archives :)

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 10:11:42PM -0600, Kevin C. Smith wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 10:44:09PM -0500, Jonathan Markevich wrote:
> > I'm wondering what to put in sources.list for the new testing distribution. 
> > I've been holding off a wholesale woody upgrade for something exactly like
> > this!
> You would change ("stable" or "potato") to ("testing" or "woody")
> such as: 
>   deb ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian woody main contrib non-free

Did that, it complained a great deal... (see below)

> > When I tried just changing my potato entries to woody, I get threats to
> > remove kdebase.  I've begun to rely an awful lot on KDE2 lately... are my
> > fears of KDE rejection unwarranted?  I'd also like to get the latest X,
> > since I'm still running 3.x, it might just be time to leap!  Where is it? 
> > Woody?  If so, is it named something different, like xfree-4 or is there X
> > 3.x at all in Woody?  (I want that XRender extension...!)
> >From what I have read testing/woody has been rolled back to potato 2.2r2, so
> I would think you woud experience no change in packages at this time, 
> including KDE packages.

I did get it to work, and there was about 81 packages to update, so there is
> I also read that Xfree4.01 will not be in testing for a while, which leaves
> you with Xfree3.3.6 for now.

Drat, and me with high speed access for only two more days...

> > Any pointers, or should I just hold on and wait for a bigger announcement?
> Don't really know. Have read that testing may not be completely ready yet, but
> don't know if that is true. Maybe give it a week, or do some research, and try
> it. It sounds good to me. 

Ok, here's what happened.  When I tried at first to update, it wanted to
remove a serious pile of packages.  These removals were based on the
mesa-glide packages!  My old Voodoo card isn't working in my new Athlon
machine, so I decided to back out to regular mesa (sigh) until I get a new
3D card.  I couldn't uninstall it without bringing KDE2 with it!  I
installed mesa on top of it, and it replaced as it would, without a
KDEctomy.  NOW, I could upgrade with barely a hiccup.

It was a nice upgrade.  I LOVE this new testing idea!!!!!  It's exactly the
comfort/technology balance I want.

Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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