Debian Warriors,

        I have purchased a book titled Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed, it is
about 1120 pages in length and in the back cover is a CD labeled Debain
GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed.

        I have a clean Pentium 255 MHz machine that previously ran SuSE
Linux with no problems.  To make things as clean as possible I am trying to
do a complete install saving nothing from past activities.

        I step through the installation taking the defaults, doing nothing
out of the ordinary, when I get to the following the installation stops

        Next: Install the Base System   I input <Enter>

        Please select the medium you will use to install the system     I
arrow down to cdrom : CD-ROM drive <Enter>

        Choose the type of your CD interface    I arrow down to /dev/hdc :
ATPI (IDE), first drive on the secondary controller
                                                I input <Enter>

        Please place the Debian CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive              The
CD that came with the book is already in the
CD-ROM drive so I input <Enter>

        Please choose the path inside the CD-ROM where the Debian archive
resides the following is highlighted

        /debain         I select Ok and <Enter>

        system comes back with;

        Please select the directory containing a file base2_1.tgz that you
will use to install the Base System

        The following is highlighted

        list    :       Choose from a list of all Archive paths

        "building a list of archive paths"

        Please select the directory that you will use to install the Base
System from.

        only a single path is give and it is highlighted;


        The system then attempts to extract and then comes up with "File

        There was a problem extracting the Base System from

Now has anyone out there used this Debian distribution?  I am attempting to
use the most basic installation with the CD that came in the back of the
book but cannot make it work.

I have read that Debian can be troublesome to install, but I am selecting
the basic defaults and recording all of the steps I used to get where I am -
have over two pages of hand written notes on the questions asked by the
system along with my responses/answers, and then things stop working !!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


John D. Holp


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