On 7 Jan 01 01:01:20 GMT, Known Human Nick Rusnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm going to be running a moderately sized network, and I was wondering how
>difficult it would be to setup ldap as teh authentication for it?

Having just done exactly that I can say it's probably more frustrating
than difficult. I had an interesting time finding any sort of
documentation specifically on setting up LDAP authentication. LDAP does
much more than this, and what documentation there is tends to be more
general than I was looking for. Eventually I turned up a few helpful
web pages including:


>How integrated are various utilities into ldap? I read that adduser doesn't
>support ldap, so should a script that uses adduser to create the user, then
>copies the user into ldap be used?

One possibility is addluser:



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