Shouldn't the Debian package  php4_4.0.3pl1-0potato1.deb  
handle  *.php3  files?
Through netscape  http://localhost/test-jameson.php, 
I can see php4 working, where test-jameson.php is
   <?php phpinfo() ?>
This common test properly displays a few pages 
of PHP configuration information.

However, testing thru any of netscape/opera/mozilla 
on the file  http://localhost/test4-jameson.php3,
I only get a popup window, titled 
   Save As... (type application/x-httpd-php3)
to download the test4-jameson.php3 file.
I get this same download-response whether test4-jameson.php3 contains
the single line
   <!-- <?php phpinfo() ? -->
or the single line (recommended test line in Horde Administrator's FAQ)
   <?php php_info() ?>

Here are all lines in /etc/apache/* that contain "php", 
where all entries have been put there by Debian package installations,
1. httpd.conf:
   LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

2. srm.conf:
   DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.php3

3. mime.types:
   application/x-httpd-php                         phtml pht php
   application/x-httpd-php3                        php3
   application/x-httpd-php3-source                 phps
   application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed           php3p

I have installed the following php and apache modules,
   Package           Version
   -------           -------
   php4              4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   php4-cgi          4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   php4-gd           4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   php4-imap         4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   php4-ldap         4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   php4-pgsql        4.0.3pl1-0potato1
   phplib            7.3dev-3.1

   apache            1.3.9-13.1
   apache-common     1.3.9-13.1
   libapache-mod-ssl 2.4.10-1.3.9-1

I presume that the php4 Debian package should handle php3 files.
I deduce this because I am installing imp, 
whose description (dpkg -s imp) includes
   Depends: php3 | php4 (>= 4.0.3pl1)
But the imp package is accessed thru the php3 web page,
So, while the imp package allows using the package php4 rather 
than the package php3, web access must be able 
to interpret *.php3 files---but does not.
What have I done wrong?

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
(202) 690-0380 (work)

You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.
-- G.K. Chesterton

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