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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I've been using Exim on my Debian boxes for awhile, but would like to
> convert over to QMail (in Potato) in the process of doing a major
> server upgrade.
> Right now I have Exim and QPopper doing the following:
> 1 - Providing primary MX service for several domains
> 2 - Handling outgoing mail for the local LAN
> 3 - QPopper for POP3 service internally and externally
> 4 - Occasional local MUA usage on server (some Mutt, mostly Pine)
> 5 - Mail spool is NFS-mounted
> Are there any pitfalls to watch out for as far as the above are concerned
> with Qmail? Also, does a simple Howto exist which I could use as a guide to
> Qmail configuration in the above described situation?

Points 1 and 2 are simple; just about any MTA in existence can handle
that (although I will question the vast majority of Windows MTA offerings

Points 3 and 5 are contradictory.  "Standard" unix mail spools (which
Qpopper serves mail from) have corruption problems on NFS.  If the mail
spool *must* be NFS-mounted, you should convert the mail spools to
Maildir.  Mutt can read Maildirs just fine, but Pine cannot (at least,
without being patched), which causes problems with point 4.

Point 4 can be taken care of with courier-imap.  The courier-imap package
will serve Maildirs over IMAP beautifully, and version 1.3 of courier-imap
(unfortunately it's not packaged for Debian) has a pop3 daemon that can
serve from Maildirs.  This, btw, is how I handle Maildirs with Pine.

With courier-imap you'll also gain support for IMAP and POP3 over SSL;
you'll have to pay Eudora if you want those capabilities in Qpopper :)

Most of the documentation you'll need for Qmail can be found at
http://www.qmail.org, and under /usr/share/doc/qmail once you get it
compiled and installed.

What, btw, is your rationale for switching from Exim to Qmail?

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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