I recently helped a friend resurrect an old machine with Debian :-).  
There is one little thing that annoyed me, and will annoy him, the more 
he learns.  The keymappings that I am used to don't always seem to 
work.  For instance with a 'man man,' I couldn't use the vi(m) like 
keybindings for movement.  Return was the only way to scroll down, and 
backspace wouldn't even scroll up.  And if I did a search, it wouldn't 
highlight the results.  If I searched for anything it couldn't find it 
just dropped me back to the shell.  Certain things, like the backspace 
not scrolling up, happen in other apps like slrn.  I vaguely remember 
this when I first set up my box running Sid.  But very early on in my 
apting/configuring it "automagically" went away.  I have run into this 
again with my Progeny setup.  Other than these problems, the 
keymappings are working fine.  I'm just not sure which package, or 
config I need to play with 8^).  Any help or where I can RTFM greatly 



PS      Does anyone else have any problems with Kmail/Knode not threading 
properly?  I would like to say it is only with my ISP (road runner), 
but I don't get enough traffic any other place to be sure.  But knode 
seems to thread perfectly on other news servers.

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