On Monday 05 February 2001 13:12, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> > (Where was the link?)
> >
> > IIRC, Opera is now free-as-in-beer, but it's still not free in the
> > DFSG sense, which is a great shame; it would be great if it could
> > go into Debian.
> >
> > Perhaps it could be distributed by Debian in non-free, though. I
> > might have a look at its licence.
> Will the sources be available?
> Regards,
> Kerstin

I don't see that happening unless Opera runs out of cash and goes 
under.  I believe they meant the same sense of "free" as the windows 
version when it hit 5.01.  It was no longer an evaluation period deal.  
But the "free" version displayed adds (although not terribly 
obtrusive).  But I would *love* it if it did go open source.  5.02 for 
windows is probably the fastest browser I have ever used (IE for the 
mac is actually pretty nice too).  The idea of blocking the adds is 
interesting.  Although they could (and maybe have) thrown in a check to 
make sure they are being displayed properly in order to function.


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