>>>>> "Mark" == Mark L Kahnt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mark> Yeah, but I don't want an ftp user possibly finding a
    Mark> security hole and playing around with my mouse.

Don't run 'wu-ftpd'. :-)

Seriously, if there is a security hole in your FTP server, chances are
that they allow remote root access.   As has the case been with
wu-ftpd on numerous occasions.

No chmod will protect you from that.  Your mouse being moved will then
be the least of your worries - though you may never know that your
system has been cracked.

(RedHat 6.1 and 6.2 users, for instance, are prime targets due to the
horribly insecure system they are running, in conjunction with the
average IQ of said users).


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