On Thursday 08 February 2001 20:48, David B. Harris wrote:
> To quote "DSC Lithuania" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> # He's the guy who wrote "TIP" that keeps my ZIP drive working, so he
> seems to
> # know his
> # stuff.
> Personally, I used to use that site a lot for portscans and the
> like(for well over a year). Now, while I think he provides a very
> good service, I also think he's pulling some of this stuff out of his
> arse. A lot of the stuff he's "invented" is just a page of
> marketspeak.
> Now, I think his portscanning service is useful(even if some other
> ones, that are better, are available). But read everything he writes
> with a big 'ol grain of salt.

Agreed.  And as you said there are other sites that offer more in-depth 
scans.  Something like <http://scan.sygatetech.com/> comes to mind.  
But unfortunately the only truly secure networked computer is one that 
isn't networked at all 8^).


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