Eivind Arnesen schrieb am 14.02.2001:
>Sorry to bother you all with this, but I have simply
>spent enough (=to much) time on this (browsing newsgroups and the
>I cannot get php working with my apache server.
>I have tried both php3 and php4, but with no success.
>I'am currently running Apache/1.3.9 and php3 on Debian 2.2.
>When I run apache -l I get:
>Compiled-in modules:
>  http_core.c
>  mod_so.c
>  mod_perl.c
>  mod_macro.c
>I have installed apache and php3 using apt-get.  I have also
>tried newer versions of apache and php, but none have worked.
>I've uncommented Loadmodule ... php ... line in httpd.conf
>and .php .php3 etc. are included in the file mime.types
>When I try to open a php file in netscape, nothing happens!
>(the html is ok, but phpinfo() for example does not work!)
>Can someone help? Give me some instructions?
>I hoped(thought) that apt-get install would spare med from such
>I've managed to get it to work when I compile from source (using SuSE
>linux), but I'd rather use apt-get whenever possible.  That's one of
>main reasons that I wan't to use debian.

Have you added or uncommented the AddType directive in httpd.conf
where it is defined that the php-handler should be called, if a
request comes in for a php-page?

If you try to access a php file do you get back the source code? Then
the above should be the solution.


On the 8th day, God created Linux

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