[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 14.02.2001:
>I'm running woody on a server, I used dselect to install apache and
>Now when apache tries to start up it errors saying:
>Syntax error on line 120 of /etc/jserv/jserv.conf:
>Invalid command 'SetHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
>module not
>included in the server configuration
>Line 120 of /etc/jserv/jserv.conf
><Location /jserv/>
>  SetHandler jserv-status
>  order deny,allow
>  deny from all
>  allow from localhost
>obviously line 120 is the SetHandler
>is this something I need or can I just comment it out, or is
>something that can
>be fixed easily.

This handler show's up the status of jserv to you. For a productive
environment you don't really need it. But if it's important to you to
get server runtime information, then you should find the error. I
don't know about it now. I haven't these lines in my jserv.conf

Perhaps the module isn't loaded properly.

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