On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, hanasaki wrote:

> I have a HD with 
> /boot
> / => a complete install of debian
> I wish to install a second debian on another partion(s).  

- mount the "another partition" to /mnt
- copy everything in / to /mnt (but exclude /mnt, of course)
  cp -avf </vmlinuz and other files> /root /var/ /home .. .. .. /mnt
- cd /mnt/etc
- edit lilo.conf; add new entry to boot from "another partition"
- install lilo
- reboot the machine
> How do i do this so that lilo.conf refects both debians?  Wont the 2nd
> install make its own /etc/lilo.conf and thus make a lilo boot prompt
> only for the 2nd install?

Lilo wouldn't reread /etc/lilo.conf every boots; it reads once, installs
itself in the boot sector, and that's it. So I think the other lilo.conf
in the second Debian install is a non-issue.

I think it would be helpful if you could create a boot floppy, so that
after you have the second install, you can try to boot via the floppy.


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