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On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 04:38:37PM -0000, George wrote:
>    Dear Sir
>    I am keen Linux user. I'm 14 years old living in England. It's kinda
>    hard to find out information or guarantees of support on Linux for
>    certain things. I have been wanting to get ADSL from Bt, goto
>    [1]www.bt.com/openworld to check. They offer DSL with a USB-Modem
>    which am aware does not work with Linux. If I was to purchase my own
>    ethernet modem such as
>    [2]http://www.3com.com/homeoffice/products/dsl_adsl_external.html woul
>    d I be able to use it ? Would I encounter any problems ? Is there
>    anything else I would need ?
>    A router perhaps, if so could you explain to me what a router is and
>    its purpose for DSL.
>    I would be really grateful if you could explain it to me yourself,
>    rather than send me to a HOWTO or FAQ, like RedHat did, since I just
>    installed Debian over RedHat hoping it would be better, like so many
>    have told me.
>    Anyway, thanyou for your help in advance.
>    George
> References
>    1. http://www.bt.com/openworld
>    2. http://www.3com.com/homeoffice/products/dsl_adsl_external.html

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