here's what mine spits out...

thneed:~/.quake/qw# /usr/games/qw-server
Removing symlink ./idsw/pak1.pak
Removing symlink ./idsw/pak0.pak
Removing symlink ./idsw/base
Removing symlink ./qw/qwprogs.dat
Removing symlink ./id1
Removing symlink ./config.cfg
ln: /root/.quake/./base/base: File exists
ln: /root/.quake/./idsw/pak1.pak: File exists
ln: /root/.quake/./idsw/base/base: File exists
ln: /root/.quake/./idsw/pak0.pak: File exists
ln: /root/.quake/./qw/qwprogs.dat: File exists
ourbase /usr/share/games/quake/id1
basename of ourbase id1
Added packfile ./base/pak0.pak (339 files)
Added packfile ./base/pak1.pak (85 files)
Playing registered version.
IP address
UDP Initialized
Exe: 04:25:05 Feb 27 2000
16.0 megabyte heap

Server Version 0.1.1

======== QuakeWorld Initialized ========
execing server.cfg
Building PHS...
Average leafs visible / hearable / total: 117 / 302 / 1148
Updated needpass.

it apears to be listening on port 27500 (netstat confirms this), but i
can't connect to it either from that same box, or from any of the other
machines on my network.

whats the deal?

Forrest English

"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"

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