On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 21:03:45 -0600, sc whispered to the router:

!! For some reason, it's taking 30+ seconds to SSH into a server that's 
!! powering a small LAN to respond to my SSH attempts with the UserID and 
!! password prompt.  I don't really remember it taking this long before, 
!! but I'm not sure.  Takes a decent amount of time to respond even after
!! type in the userID and password.  Once I get in, the response times
!! the server are fine. Anybody else having this sort of problem?
!! Steve

i think it's because your server isn't generating enough entropy.   enter
random commands at the keyboard somtime.   do ls -lahR /    that should
get you enough randomness to last for awhile.

course, i could be wrong, but that's my guess. 

Forrest English

"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"

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