I am not really new to linux (used Redhat for 3 years) but I am a recent
Debian convert and I have a coulpe of simple questions. I am running Debian
Woody and everything is up to date but I want to know how to change the type
of system or version of Debian that shows up on a console login screen.
Right now it says testing/unstable I looked at /etc/debian_version and it
said the same thing there and I changed it to Woody but that didn't make any
difference, any ideas? The other question may be a little more complicated.
I am using gdm to login and I normaly run Enlightenment but I wanted to try
out Gnome but when I selecect it from the gdm menu it starts gnome and kde
together. I have replaced the /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome script with one that
just has exec /usr/bin/gnome-session but that didn't help, if I start kde it
works fine and it is a script that just has exec /usr/bin/startkde, any
ideas on this one?
Brad Cramer

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