Osamu Aoki wrote:
> I agree with Carel.  As long as X read from /dev/gpmdata (most sane
> configuration but too many people disregards...), reboot is not
> needed for KB/mouse initialization.
> I just unplugged my mouse while in X4, replug -- cant move,
> restrted gpm to initialize, there I go again.
> By the way, when you have buggy multi-PC KB switcher, and
> KB goes crazy, restarting gpm also intialize KB nicely.
OK, I'll offer a test.  I do have a keyboard I want to try, and I don't
want to go through the hassle of shutting down.  How am I to issue a
command if I disconnect the keyboard and the new one doesn't work?

I'm serious -- I am exactly in that position right now, and I'd welcome
the opportunity to try this out.  What do I need to do (please be fairly
explicit, I've still got a lot to learn about this)



Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
>From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

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