I would like to get only xfree86 4.0 (out of woody, presumably), but
don't want to deal with all of woody updates - what's the easiest way?

i tried getting sources.list to point only to pool/../xfree, and such,
without success

i also tried loading all 'testing' into dselect but couldn't get it to
not update a lot of things, even with 'Directly requested' mode.

thanks for help!

MOTIVATING PROBLEM (in case someone has a direct solution):
X on ATI Rage LT Pro in an Inspiron 7000 1024x768
I've used steve hsieh's patched Mach64 (X3.3.6,
http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~steveh/inspiron/) in the past, but it fails
with potato for some reason.
However, his suggested XF86Config works with the "ati" driver in X4.0
from redhat7.  I'd really rather use Debian than Redhat, but I also
want Xwindows.


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