>   From: "Michael P. Soulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 10:26:11PM -0800, Richard  Taylor wrote:
>>  And... then, you got the Gnome Office stuff... www.gnome.org
>    The most recently is at Ximian, www.ximian.com. Abiword is maturing but
>it's got a ways to go yet. 
>    Staroffice 5.2 impresses me not. I still can't get it to save as word 97

 I've never had a problem with it... that surprises me.

>without crashing, and I _hate_ the virtual desktop idea.

 Have you tried the Open Office stuff? {openoffice.org} I still
 don't think it will save in word but it seems to be a bit "lighter."

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