I am running Debian 'unstable', but with inn2 from 'testing'. Since newsx
doesn't work with inn2 2.3 yet (and I need newsx), I am still using inn2
version But since I installed the bind9 packages, I
get tons of messages like this in my log files:

Feb 28 22:46:11 qn-195-66-31-144 ctlinnd[2141]: Hostname does not resolve or 
'domain' in inn.conf is missing

Sometimes inn dies because of this, other times it just throttles. If I
restart it, it works again for some time.

Can anybody help me with this problem?

qn-195-66-31-144:   7:15pm  up 21:03,  9 users,  load average: 1.60, 1.40, 1.17

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