> Type 'linux single' at the LILO prompt (press Shift to get the
> prompt). You'll boot into single user mode. 

This is what I needed.

> To remove the X/Gnome display manager from your startup scripts, try
> '/etc/init.d/xdm' remove (or '/etc/init.d/gdm remove' if you're using
> Gnome). Now type 'telinit 2' to bring the system to
> runlevel 2. You should be presented with a virtual console, and
> Alt-F[1-6] should switch consoles.

I selected xdm on install but loaded the gnome packages on install. I
want to run Gnome so how do I get gdm and remove xdm?
apt-get install gdm?

> When you've sorted out your X problems, check 'man update-rc.d' to
> boot your computer into X directly.

Thanks so much for the help.

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