On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Forrest English wrote:

> ok, here's what i do on the server.
> /etc/exports file contains
> /cdrom
> and the client's fstab contains....
> /nfscdrom nfs rsize=1024,wsize=1024 0 0
> i on the server, i then did...  /etc/init.d/nfs-server reload
> and mounting on the client reports....
> grickle:~# mount /nfscdrom
> mount: thneed:/test failed, reason given by server: Permission denied
> could someone please elighten me on what the heck i'm doing wrong?
> --
> Forrest English
> http://truffula.net
Check 'showmount -e' on server - you'll see active exports and your 
'/cdrom' should be between them. If it's not - check /etc/exports
(i think you should add (ro) to the cdrom export - but i'm not sure) and
reload portmap and nfsd (i don't know why but sometimes reloading only
nfsd didn't work). 
But this is probably OK - so check logs on server - there you should
find the answer (look for mountd and nfsd).
It's also possible that you put something in /etc/hosts.allow or
hosts.deny that refuses mounting - take a look at these files. And as i
remember - rules of access for portmap have to be given with IP-adresses -
not domain names. Eg. 

This will not work
portmap: host.domain : ALLOW

and this should be OK.
portmap: : ALLOW

I hope it'll help.


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