* Forrest English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010316 15:44]:
> home and end work for me in my xterms and eterms.  could it be you are
> using older versions or somthing?  i remember at one point they didn't
> work.  but, i think it works using woody or unstable packages.

Well, I too thought once upon a time home/end worked as expected[0];
however, I found out how to make my text console run [EMAIL PROTECTED]
recently and didn't run X much as a result. Recently I needed three
terminals on screen at once, I decided to run X again, and none of my
emulators work as I expect.

The thing is, Debian policy has mandated these things to work as I
expect in the past (including the whole delete/backspace mess) so I
haven't had to deal with these issues since switching to Debian several
years ago. Since I *thought* these worked as I expected at one point in
the past without effort on my part, I would like to keep it that way. :)

Come to think of it, I recall seeing an update to the termcap database
during an apt-get upgrade recently. I wonder if the terminal
capabilities changed out from underneath me as a result of this upgrade.
I don't see any mention of similar problems in the debian-x archive for
march or february...

Thanks also to pplaw (bentley taylor) for the note about rxvt-xpm's -tr
option. If I can figure out a way to make that do shading too then I am
in business without mucking around with these others. :)

Thanks everyone for showing why Debian's support is so cool. :)

> > xterm doesn't let home/end work.
> > aterm doesn't let home/end work.
> > Eterm doesn't let home/end work.
> > wterm doesn't let the numeric keypad work.

[0]: As I re-read my original message, I see how hideously incomplete
my description of desired result/actual result was. I expect home and
end to work at the bash prompt -- in {x,a,E}term, home/end beep and
print a tilde ~ character. Numeric keypad I tested in vim's insert mode,
where I usually do the typing of numerals, but it would be nice if it
worked in all applications. Currently, wterm prints a bunch of
alphabetic characters, one per line, one per keypad press rather than
the actual desired numeral.

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