On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 18:34:11 -0800
Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hello,
> You can also use pon since the new pppconfig will support dial on demand. The 
> trick is to issue the pon statement following your boot up. That will 
> configure your network to listen for outgoing packets and start the link 
> automatically (like windoz does) and stop it at a preset time you configure. 
> Simply start pppconfig and edit your current account and check the advanced 
> section, add 'demand dialing' and 'idle shutdown time'.

Does this mean "diald" is no longer needed?  Until I got DSL, I used diald, but 
I want to keep my system equipped to do dial-on-demand in case something 
happens to my DSL.



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