
I have two questions:

1. Bash segfaults when I hit tab to autocomplete a filename.  I have
   checked the bash FAQ which does not address my specific problem.
   Has anyone seen this?

2. I log in at the console, /etc/motd is printed, and then I am logged
   out.  I have seen this problem on a box where home directories
   where NFS mounted and the NFS mount did not exist.  My particular
   box does not have home directories mounted, but my partition table
   looks like:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb2               980308    203348    727164  22% /
/dev/hdb5              7692876    512016   6790084   8% /usr
/dev/hdb6              1921156    343832   1479732  19% /var
/dev/hdb7              4040000    331552   3503220   9% /home


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