I was on the right track.  I couldn't find the package at
debian.org, but apt-get found it.  My problem is solved.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 06:15:55AM -0500, Adam J. Henry wrote:
> Still don't have this working.  Tried pulling out everything related
> to helix and trying to install sawfish/rep again.  librep9 does
> not appear to be available anymore--anyone know the cause for this?
> On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 08:14:13PM -0500, Adam J. Henry wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > After the recent upgrade of Sawfish, I find that I cannot run
> > `sawfish-ui`:
> > 
> >     $ sawfish-ui
> >     error--> (file-error "No such file or directory" "sawfish/client")

Adam J. Henry  <ahenry(a)heidelberg(.)edu><pgp: 0xBD168A74>
               <www.heidelberg.edu/~ahenry><icq: 69243836>
"The essence of cowardice is not acknowledging the reality
 of fear."
        -- Trungpa (Shambhala)

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