On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Forrest English wrote:
> i would also like to know how to do this, my girlfriend is learning
> japanese, and has not been able to get it to work in windows (which

Install japanese font packages, the X-TT truetype font server (built-in in X
4.0.x, but make sure to enable the right one), and Mozilla. Setup mozilla to
use whatever japanese fonts you have in your system.

You'll probably need also the japanese locales, a kana input method and a
few other niceties (and do remember to enable the japanese locale in the
shells you'll be working in japanese!).  Installing task-japanese might help
you there.

I don't use any kana input methods, but I had no trouble whatsoever to get
mozilla to render japanese web pages.  Emacs also works fine for inputing
japanese text, as long as you install the correct emacs package for the
input method you need.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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