> > Does somebody use Linux professional in the company? If yes, which
> > Distribution? Does Debian be used also in the professional area or is
> > the first election RedHat Linux?

I work for a Network Operations Center and ISP and we run almost everything
off of debian servers.  We have a couple of RedHat boxen lying around that
perform some minimal work, but we have all but three of our servers
over to Debian about a year ago.  It's far more secure, and suits our
needs much better in terms of flexibility in installation and use.

Most of our workstations are also Debian or RedHat, with some dual boot
Windows.  The RedHat ones are slowly switching to Debian as well except
for a few who really seem to prefer it.

Personally give me Debian+Enlightenment. =)

#include <standard_disclaimer.h>
My opinions are my own and are not sponsored
by or endorsed by my employer.
Corwin J. Grey
Techline, Inc.
Engineering and Application Development
"What does this tell me?  That if Microsoft were the last software
company left in the world, 13% of the US population would be scouring
garage sales & Goodwill for old TRS-80s, CPM machines & Apple ]['s before
they would buy Microsoft. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement."
        -- Seen on Slashdot

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