On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 06:04:21PM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a dos partition  which belongs to a win98 disk. I need to access 
> this dos partition from linux, in order to write some stuff on it. This 
> partition 
> is mounted automatically at startup trhough the appropriate entry in the 
> fstab 
> file. The problem are the permissions. This dos partition has root as owner, 
> so I don't have permission to write to it from my personal account. How can I 
> fix it at boot time? i.e I need this partition mounted with the correct 
> permissions which allows me to write to it from my personal account (which is 
> not root! :)).

Hi Marcelo

Sorry for the corrupted message...

I don't know how your fstab looks like
but I think you need the user option.

My fstab entry for the windows-partition looks like this:

/dev/hda1  /mnt  vfat  defaults,user,noauto  0  0

/dev/hda1 is mounted manually by any normal user
and every user who mounts it gets the right permissions.

I hope this helps.
Kind regards,

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