MC> Hi,
MC> I know this is a stupid question, but I am very new to Linux and I know 
MC> nothing about script programming. What is the difference between perl and 
MC> pyton? Why the nedd to create these two diferent programming languages?

Perl is more ancient language then Python. It was created to replace
awk, sed and shell scripting. Since that time it had changed a lot and
it is very flexible and powerful language now. You can write both
simple several lines scripts and complex programs consisting of many
modules. For instance sources for some mail software we have wrote in
my company has about of 6Mb of sources.

AFAIK Python was created later. Python also quite powerful
language. People who created this language wasn't satisfied with Perl
and/or other languages. I don't know Python too much so it is hard for
me to say why. But one difference I know is differences in
ideologies. Perl is ideology is that there is exists many ways to make
same thing. Often in Perl you can implement same thing in different
ways. Python on other side is more restrictive by its ideology. You
often are forced to use some 'right' way. Some people thinks that it
is good, some that is bad. Thouse who think it is good usually prefer
Python, others Perl.

P.S. If you are person that love a lot object oriented programming
probably you should look at another scripting language 'Ruby'. It is
becoming popular now. Its advantage (someone can think that it is
disadvantage) that language oriented towards object oriented style
programming much more than Perl and Python.

P.P.S. And nether trust someone who just says that one of this
languages sucks.

| Ilya Martynov (                                    |
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| AGAVA Software Company (                          |

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