cy> Anybody know of a good skin for mozilla that displays decent on an 8bit 
cy> display? The logo and buttons suck up so many colors, the rest of the app 
cy> is unusable, I mean just the app itself, excluding the webpages, which are 
cy> rendered in what looks like 2 or 3 colors. With netscape you could turn 
cy> the buttons off, and just use text labels which saves colors.

Check It contains a number of mozilla skins.

| Ilya Martynov (                                    |
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (                          |

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