On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 11:53:27AM +0200, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
> well, shouldn't be this considered ad ld.so bug?

maybe, if it is i doubt its anywhere near trivial to fix (but im not
sure of that).  (don't bother with chmod -x someone already tried that
on -devel awhile back, be prepared to have sash already running to fix
your broken system)

> of course I know about shell scripts. But i think the main difference is
> shell scripts shouldn't make harm as binaries can.

perl is about as powerful as any C program, good luck removing perl.  

IMO trying to prevent people from running binaries is a generally
losing battle.  its better to protect things more fundementally, use
quotas and resource limits, restrict suid binaries, use nosuid,nodev
on most filesystems etc.

Ethan Benson

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