so, i just got my little tp600.  seems sweet so far. nice size.  great
looking screen.

but, i'm encountering a huge problem.  i installed xfree86 4.02, and ran
through xf86config.

so, i can start with XFree86.  everything worked as expected.  so, i
installed blackbox.   and changed my .xinitrc file.   so, i startx.  and
the fonts look all weird.  they don't quite fit into where they belong...
 which seems really weird to me.  but, i figure i can fix it.

so, i right click to get a menu.  everything locks.  hard machine lock. 
i can't get to another tty, and i can't kill x.  it doesn't even finish
drawning the menu.  this same weird occurance happens in icewm as well. 
as soon as i do ANYTHING it just hard locks.  

one thing i notice if i kill x (doing XFree86 to start it).  i see...  

(II) NEOMAGIC(0): Not programming shadow registers

does anyone have any suggestions?  i've never had x cause a hard lock on
my machines before. so this just baffles me.

Forrest English

"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"

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