on Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:47:09PM -0500, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Point me to the faq -- i don't know where to look for it or what
> it might be named...
>       Objective: to create a bootable CD for a Debian network
>       hub-like system that'll have NO hard drive (and probably no
>       keyboard or monitor, either). booting from rad-only media
>       assures simplicity of recovery in case anything gets borked
>       (black hats, misfortune, unintentional changes).
> I'm setting up a debian/potato install to fit on a CD rom that
> i'd like to have as bootable -- in that i'd like to use the CD
> rom as the SOLE non-network device on a no-disk server.

> I.e. old pentium box with a cd rom and floppy drive (for variable
> settings) but no hard drive, eventually.

Couple of points.

  - You're probably interested in the BootDisk HOWTO

  - There are also HOWTOs covering diskless workstations and such.  I
    believe it's possible to get x86 hardware to boot and find a kernel
    via BIOS-activated networking.
  - Disk is cheap.  Bandwidth still sucks.  System and distro
    maintenance are both time-consuming and expensive.  The ideal
    "diskless" client isn't truely diskless, but transparently caches a
    configuration driven by a configuration served over the network.
    System data are backed off to network, user data are similarly
    cached locally only until they can be archived to network.

    A dream to date, but a pleasant one.

  - On the Debian side, there's a boot floppies package somewhere, I
    think, but I can't find it right now.

> Of course, to get there, i'm installing and testing and tweaking
> on a hard drive. But the end result should be a bootable CD that
> doesn't need a hard drive at all.
> I can partition my current drive with a 600mb partition which
> would fit on a CD, and get it working -- on hard disk, anyway --
> and create an ISO image (mkisofs i presume?) But there's so
> much writing to /var and /tmp by ordinary procedures that i
> wonder if a read-only boot can work at all! Is there some way to
> make a ram disk (as i think the debian rescue/install CD does)
> during boot-up from such a CD rom?

You'll almost certainly need *some* local storage, even if proxied
through a RAMdisk.  Note that /var content will tend to need to be

> and then, once i have an ISO image, can i ftp that to a win or
> mac box to burn the cd? i haven't got a burner for my debian
> monster yet... :(


> so, regarding all these points:
>       - what's it take to create a cd image
>       - that's bootable
>       - from a working hard-drive based system
>       - that'll peel off into ramdisk for /var & /tmp writing
>       - and that will be able to read (settings) from /dev/fd0
>       - perhaps logging remotely, based on those settings

Peek at the LinuxCare BBC data and Seth Shoen's work for more info.

> i ask:
> how?   <-- such a little question, needing such a big answer :)

How much?

> pointers hither and yon are requested.

     ====-->  Hither
          Yon   <--====

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org

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