On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Benj wrote:

> I run top, and see this process:
> 7705         0.0 %          -discard         [164.138.*.*]
> What is this process -discard ?? The IP (from which i've hidded the last two
> numbers) is totally unknown, its not my servers's or mine.

discard is a TCP service provided by inetd itself which just ignores any
input fed to it. That IP is connecting to your machine and spewing data
into inetd. It's not harming your machine, but it will be wasting

> Do you think I should kill it ?

More than that, I'd disable discard, and it's friends daytime, echo, and
chargen in /etc/inetd.conf. then '/etc/init.d/inetd restart'


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