WB> Ive been looking for an mp3 encoder in a deb package, anyone found one? I
WB> have installed Grip and CDParanoia.

No, there is no such. As I understand there is some license issues
with mp3. But you can use instead vorbis-tools to encode in ogg
format. This format free and even has better quality/filesize ratio
:). Most modern players should support it.

| Ilya Martynov (http://martynov.org/)                                    |
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (http://www.agava.com/)                          |

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