On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 05:26:01AM -0400, Jesse Goerz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I wrote a basic document intended to help Debian newbies compile custom 
> kernels using kernel-package.  I'd really appreciate any and all comments, 
> suggestions, additions, subtractions you may have. (constructive 
> welcomed, the rest accepted) 
> You can browse the doc online at:
> http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/kernel-pkg/index-kernel-pkg.html
> Or download a tarball for offline viewing at:
> http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/kernel-pkg/kernel-pkg.tgz
> I'm not on the list just now so please cc me or post to:
> If you're interested in contributing to the project check out the link in the
> signature.  There's a quick docbook intro at (online browsing):
> http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/docbook-guide/index-docbook-guide.html
> or download a tarball for offline viewing at:
> http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/docbook-guide/docbook-guide.tgz

I read through this real quick.  Nicely done:)  There are few things I
will point out and suggest -

I don't remember seeing where your suppose to get the kernel source code
and how.

When using "tar" it might be nice to add the "v" switch so the newbie
can see that something is happening. Also the switches don't need a "-"
pre-appended.  If you take it off it doesn't matter which order the
switches are in.  For example "tar xvfz foo.gz" works fine but "tar
-xvfz foo.gz" doesn't.  You would have to do "tar -vxzf foo.gz"  A
suggestion anyway.

In the "Make xconfig" section you say, "Covering how to configure all
the options available for the kernel is way beyond the scope of this
document."  You might mention here that there is "help" within "xconfig"
itself.  At least I think there is, it has been a long time I fired up

You should probably show them how to use "menuconfig" in case this is a
server they are setting up and there is no X. 

In the beginning of section "Build the Kernel Image" you mention -
"You will need to do make-kpkg clean FIRST if you wish to recompile
the kernel-image using a flavor."  There is no mention which directory,
no quotes around the actual command.  Maybe an example of the command
would be good here.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
     First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

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